Fresh strawberry puree is the delicious secret to this signature cocktail. You'll shake a little strawberry puree with citron vodka and lemonade and strain...
Fit for Dracula himself! Sweet homemade grenadine serves as the "blood" in this inspired Halloween cocktail made with vodka, grapefruit juice, and fresh...
This improved version of the simple rum and Coke includes fresh lime juice for added complexity. It's believed to have been invented in Cuba in the early...
After working on a quiet bar one night, I experimented with the available spirits. I came up with this delicious combo!Just click your glasses, and say...
Love Moscow mules but not the carbs? Try this amazing low-carb and keto version with vodka, lime, and diet ginger beer. From now on, this will be your...
A juicy way to wind down after a busy day, and a good way to use up ripe peaches. Made and named for my friend Deb on her birthday. The peach-basil syrup...
Perfect for a summer day, this is the ultimate adult milkshake! It comes together quickly and goes down smoothly. Garnish with whipped cream and fresh...
Actually stumbled across this when making Fuzzy Navels. It was a suggested recipe. Thought it might be good to share...interesting. Great party drink....
This is a wonderful thirst quenching drink on a hot summer day and is a definite crowd pleaser. Very easy to make and everyone will want the recipe. For...
A bracing salted rim may be a tradition, but it can overwhelm the nuances of a good tequila. On the other hand, a touch of superfine sugar can be a nice...
My father used to make this refreshing beverage since I can remember and...let me drink it! It is a favorite of everyone in my family and of every one...
Peaches are incredibly delicious, especially caramelized on the grill and muddled with your favorite bourbon, grilled lemon, and mint. Strain over ice,...
This compote -- herbed and sweetened red wine poured over pears and berries -- is delicious on its own, but we like to serve it in wine goblets with Almond...
This is a really easy tropical-style drink recipe for all you spiced rum fans out there. You can garnish it with some pineapple chunks or one of those...
This frozen cocktail will instantly transport you to the tropics. Simply blend together a refreshing combination of ripe strawberries, bananas, and peaches,...
Meyer lemons are especially delicious, but any lemons will work for this recipe. You may substitute two teaspoons superfine sugar for the lemon syrup if...
Jimmy Buffett's sister, Lulu, owns a very popular restaurant in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Lulu's serves the ABSOLUTE best Pina Colada in the world there! Here...
Need a pick-me-up? Turn your latte into a libation with the help of Tito's. Combine a splash of coffee liqueur, Irish cream, freshly brewed espresso, and...
If you can make a screwdriver, then you're one small step away from a Wallbanger. Just float a little Galliano® (an herbal Italian liqueur) over the top...